christmas is coming, i try to buy gifts for everybody in the family. thank god all the females in the family have a gift list. picking gifts for people is a really really hard job, it can give me a huge headache. but i don't know what to get for all the males in the family. and my father in-law & brother in-law are 2 birthday boys on christmas eve. that's the hardest part. this is whati want for christmas. Cuisinart Chef's Classic Stainless Steel 7-Piece Cookware Set

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  • Nov 09 Fri 2007 07:34
  • target

i like shopping at target a lot.
especially, when they have 75-90% off.
i bought 2 big vine pumpkins with light bulbs.($20,$3 each) and a pretty orange berry wreath($20,$5) for next halloween.
too bad i couldn't find any cool costume for royce.
oh, and a spider candy bag($3,$0.30).

hope i can get some crazy deal for next christmas too.

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finally he can ring the bells and do the "trick or treat" by himself this year.
he loves candy! he ate all the way home, very bad.
next year he won't fit in this costumes anymore.
everyone loves this cute little chicken!!!

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my mother in law taught me how to make this dish.
i want to write it down in case i forget how to make it.

1 beef shank(1st)-60mins
3 peeled boiled eggs(2nd)-20 mins
1 box of seaweed(3rd)-10 mins

10 dried aniseed
5 ginger slices
2 caps rice wine
2 dried red chili peppers
soy sauce
dash sugar

cut the beef shank half and half
poke holes as many as possible
put everything in the pot
pour soy sauce to cover half of the beef
turn over the beef every 15 mins
cook for 60 mins, when it's cool down, slice the beef.
put some chopped green onion.
at last stew the seaweed separately.
so everything won't be stink

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royce's 2 now. i baked a raspberry cheesecake for him.
but he didn't like it too much.
thanks for all the gifts from everyone!!

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  • Oct 11 Thu 2007 06:38
  • kfc

i already ate at kfc 3 times a week. i love the fried chicken so bad, i can't stop it... deep fried food is the best!!!

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  • Oct 06 Sat 2007 21:04
  • meiji

so far in my whole life,
the best milk i've ever had is meiji milk.
the milky smell is super strong, i love it!!!
even the best organic brand name milk in states can't compare with it at all.
no milky smell but taste like grass.
i hope i can find it in the japanese supermarket in states.
rod loves their ice cream.
we had it at paris buffet in taiwan.

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finally, me and royce came home safely.
but royce got sick.
it's really cold and quiet here.
helloween is coming too, everything is orange.
btw, oil price went down but everything raised the price.
just like taiwan.

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Rodney超愛車子 所以對日本的改裝車超好奇
後來才知道改裝車是犯法的 被電影騙了
因為我們是週末去的 所以無緣啦
而且速度超過一個程度 警察就不抓了 因為抓不到
每年汽車檢查時還得把車子改回原貌 檢查完在改回來 真是耗時費金
喔 我們只看到一台改的像batman的休旅車 還有翅膀耳朵哩
所有的改裝配備大多是量車訂做獨一無二 所以他們的改裝市場大都是二手貨
我們在汽車用品店買了補漆筆 還買了Rays鋼圈螺絲帽(需要用訂的)
還去改裝二手店找NSX排氣管 可惜運氣不好沒碰著 店員說NSX價位高 卡難啦
雖然只有3天 因為表姊夫家人是道地日本人又熱情好客
我們還經過天皇的住所 在地狹人稠的東京 簡直就是大的離譜
從大門開到皇宮應該要20分吧 周圍都是山丘樹林湖之類的
還有東京鐵塔 超超超高的 非常的壯觀
也經過許多大小神社 有的看起來蠻陰森的 有的就蠻莊嚴的
日本真的蠻有趣的 希望有時間還可以在去拜訪其他地方
在此向竹本家深深一鞠躬 感謝他們的熱情招待 大感激!!

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大部分在千葉 其實chiba有點像桃園坐電車40分到東京
千葉的生活機能也很優 比較適合小家庭
我們在那裡敗了1台1200萬畫素panasonic lumix
特價後退完稅不到10000台幣 買完超爽
我們還坐了千葉市區的倒吊電車 超特別的
歐洲村超像las vegas連接眾飯店間的商店街(蠻沒創意的)
摩天輪超級超級大的 台灣的根本是小巫見大巫
像高速公路都只有2條車道 窄的可以
在高速公路上我們經過了disney, 也看到了橫濱的摩天輪
電車車站大多沒有無障礙設施 帶baby像在抬轎子
差點沒累死在車站裏 因為新宿的擁擠是世界出名的
所以我們想要去擠擠看 還有人站著睡著摔在我身上
其實JR線和台灣的電聯車超像的 只是都是日文
我們在新宿時 深深感受到不被歡迎
當我們想去餐廳用餐時 每一家都拒絕我們
明明有位置 卻說要等40-50分
有些則老實的告訴我們 怕小孩破壞氣氛 超誇張地
真的是蠻便宜的 台灣不知道在貴個什麼勁?

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