目前分類:rose garden (7)

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爸媽來訪這短暫的三週裡 我爸幫我把被我遺忘許久的後院徹底改頭換面一番 "爸 謝謝你囉" 雖然被我老公念:妳怎麼好意思叫他坐10個小時的飛機來勞動服務 但我看他也蠻樂在其中 畢竟台灣大部份的房子都沒院子的嘛 anyway 所有的植物都還健在 看到乾淨清爽的後院 又讓我想到山茶花

camellia 一直是我很想種的樹 昨天在某人家看到百苞齊放的山茶花樹 好美 讓我很想來種種看 camellia 有很多種類 japonica是我個人比較喜愛的 因為不太須要照顧 我夢想中的花園是白色的 雖然已經破功 但白色山茶花是我一定要擁有的 我最想要的種是Nuccio's Gem


我曾經看過nursery有賣這種山茶花 當時被價錢嚇到作罷 未稅價45美金一株 希望今年還有機會碰到它

update: astilbe我後來有找到 但是只有白色和淺粉紅色 所以我沒買 中文叫落新婦 別名羽毛花


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finally we plant all the roses in the backyard.
there is a very shady area behind the garage.
i plant 2 fruit trees over there, but they look really unhealthy or dead.
so i try to find the replacement for this shade part.
"astilbe", it's like feather, colored grass.
but i don't know which color will match my garden,
carol pink or lavender?

good news: my hydrangeas and boxwoods are alive!!

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white garden is my dream, but so far my husband, mom, mom in-law, sister in-law...
told me it's not good to have only 1 color in the garden, especially white.
so i didn't take care of my garden for a long time, i didn't even go there once after having sprinklers.
and the truth is i am not interested in garden at all, gardening is pain in the ass for me.

the good news was i found cheap roses($8.99/ per bare root) at costco last week. me and rod bought bunch of them home.
rod gave them for me as our anniversary gifts. everything was romantic till we stepped into my backyard.
it became a weed garden again, and dead leaves everywhere.
so i cleaned my backyard this weekend, and rod plant some of the roses.
it was so tiring, but two people working together made me feel better.
i think we need to put more effort to our back yard.
hope we can enjoy it this summer.
disneyland rose x 8

fragrant wave rose x 4

sun flare rose x 4

plants update:
1 asian pear tree($8.99) looks dead or it's winter now
1 black cherry tree($8.99) ok
1 japonica pieris($16.99) so far so good
2 white african lily($15.99 x 2) so far so good
2 japanese boxwood($4.47 x 2) 
not green anymore
2 white big leaf hydrangeas($4.97 x 2) almost dead
*thank god those dead plants still in warranty from lowes

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finally, the sprinklers are done, i don't need to water the flowers myself.
the african lilys are dying, maybe the blooming season is over.
hydrangeas are growing big, the fertilizer is working.
so far most of my plants are acid-lover.
camellias too, i think i'll wait for the season is coming.

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the climbing rose is dead.
so far my problem is drainage.
i don't know my soil is well-drained or not.
i need to add more flowers on the longest border.
camellia "nuccio's gem" is my frist choice now.
they are not cheap though.
should i wait until october or but it now?

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rodney planted the climbing rose and the cherry tree for me.
it only took him 5 mins for digging holes.
i am so weak. btw, royce is a trouble maker in the garden.
he drives me crazy, step in the water bucket, eat soil, killing plant...
but we still had a really good time in the garden.
when i was single,
i never think about i'll have my own garden one day.
so far so good.

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finally i plant my asian pear tree,
it took me 2 hours to dig a hole,
so i gave up planting my other plants.
fucking hole, makes me so tired.
it's really hard to plant it.
just let somebody else t do it.

1 asian pear tree($8.99)亞洲梨樹
1 black cherry tree($8.99)黑櫻桃樹
1 japonica pieris($16.99)馬醉木
2 japanese boxwood($4.47 x 2)日本黃楊木潛葉蟲
2 white big leaf hydrangeas($4.97 x 2)繡球花
2 white african lily($15.99 x 2)百子蓮
2 white nuccio's gem camellia($44.95 x 2)山茶花樹

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