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when i just had Royce i got a brand new maclaren volo for him. when i had Evelyn, we tried a few double stroller, we got jeep umbrella one then i gave it away, we got a jogging stroller, but it's too huge and heavy, so we returned it. we borrowed a sit n stand stroller from another mom, but it's too hard to turn and control, so i got a used motherhood side by side stroller(it's a faked maclaren double techno), we used it for a while, but it broke last week when i was pushing Royce n Evelyn, i was so shocked!!! i never know this can happened. so i got a real maclaren twin techno with lifetime warrenty. it's kind of big and heavy than the motherhood one, and the seats are a little bit narrow, but it is really sturdy. and it comes with 2 built-in cup holders. i like it a lot!

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有些人愛買包 愛買衣服 我則很愛買愛逛家飾 我最近在overstock相中2個吊燈好一陣子 趁著free shipping就下單了

其實我很喜歡contemporary style可是我家很小 搞的過於現代就看起來廉價 所以加點details會有luxury look

light 1.jpg light 2.jpg

左邊這只放餐廳 右邊的放主臥 btw有罩的這只在nieman marcus要$725外加shipping 我才花$120還免稅免運費 一模一樣的耶 overstock只賣小號的 在nieman marcus中號要$1980 大號要$2780

不過便宜的壞處就是從頭到尾都得自己組裝 極費工費時 好加在我有的是時間 所以大省一筆

最近又發現一間家飾店home goods蠻優 雖然以我的標準還是有點小貴 可是品質很不錯




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幾年前我的姨媽曾托我替她買這個PedEgg (屬蛇的姨媽資訊真是先進吶) 但當時的我初來乍到根本找不著 結果給她找了Dr. Schoell電動磨腳器代替

後來有幾次三更半夜睡不著 在電視購物台上看到它 因為有購物頻道=騙錢頻道的偏見 所以直接從腦裡刪除

前陣子大學友人icecuty在格中大力推荐 我在Target TVsection又發現它(降就免運費了) 順著聖誕節便把PedEgg和Miracle Heel Cream放到禮物清單

pedegg.bmp  MiracleHeelRepair.jpg

結果龜裂多年的腳底板就在2008的聖誕節後被終結了 真是名副其實的Miracle

我的腳原本跟歷盡滄桑在馬路上撿破爛的流浪漢有得拼 用完後馬上變成20歲的少女腳 還趕緊叫老公和兒子來欣賞 這2樣好物的發明者讓我想到台灣N年前的捐血廣告詞 "雖然我不認識你 但是我謝謝你"

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變人妻後我最痛恨的家事就成了我的工作 洗衣打掃煮飯 從怨天尤人到不得不做花了我幾年的時間才認清事實 衣服就是會臭 房子就是會髒 肚子就是會餓

從前都把衣服分深淺兩籃 現在有了color catcher可以通通丟在一起洗 這神奇的小紙會把所有的顏色吸起來 所以淺色的衣服就沒有機會被染

還有S.O.S專門刷燒焦或燒黑的鍋子或和爐子 清完像新的一樣 不過一塊鋼綿刷洗2-3次就生鏽了 所以我都狂刷爐子鍋子水槽一次解決 用完就丟

magic eraser 也是一項神奇的發明 任何表面上的污漬不論新舊深淺幾乎都可以被它擦掉 但是物如其名 用完總是滿地橡皮擦屑


這些好物是我變台傭後慢慢發現的 其實我懷老2時家裡有請clean lady來打掃 但是她們非常不守時 雖然把家清的很乾淨 在一次換床單風波跟她老闆槓上後就老死不相往來了

記得小學畢業紀念冊大家都會留勵志小語 忘記誰給我留這句 靠人人跑 靠山山倒 靠自己最好 這就是clean lady給我的心得啦

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最近老公敗了許多東西犒賞他自己 看了很無言 我們家蠻小的樓下才20坪左右 他買了台62吋的LCD平面電視 其實是買回來孝敬他兒女 此話怎講 因為大部份的時間他都在外打拼 Royce高興得不得了 Evelyn也看得目不轉睛 因為太大了我真擔心他們的眼睛會提早報銷 不過以後完全不用進電影院倒是真的 再來又買了一台引擎爆掉的Sti改裝車 根據他的說法是那些玩意兒簡直是半買半送 修一修就有2台車了(他已經有1台"虛有其表"的WRX) 總之 我每天都在上改裝車課 幾天晚上就在youtube上聽聲音看馬力看轉速到睡著 改車這檔事我看是沒完沒了 手機壞掉碰上合約到期 又名正言順地買了隻iPhone 不過這隻電話真是好用到爆  不用說可以付帳單 還可以當GPS用 實用功能超多 速度比筆電還快 終於了解這帶的人唾棄microsoft的原因了 看來男人的購物能力一點也不輸女人


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x there will be blood
x sweeney todd
x american gangster
x no country for old man
the kite runner
la vie en rose
the other bolyn girl
i haven't finished all of them, so far
the best movie i saw is THERE WILL BE BLOOD

when i was in taipei, i was watching movies alone in the morning at ximen tin almost everyday.
most of them were from europe, those movies make me think a lot, they are more human than american movies.
after moving to states and having kids, i have less chance to watch european movies, although some will be released in states after 1.5-2 years.

a year ago, rodney got a good deal from blockbuster($18/ month, almost unlimited), so we watch all kinds of movies as many as we can. it's really great for me to watch movies like before again. but i have to watch with rodney, and we have totally different taste, this is one of the sacrifice for being married. but so far so good, we compromise for each other, sometimes we see "weed"(independent)movies, sometimes we see entertainment movies.

i don't like to criticize movies, i think they all have their own point.
to me, i hate predictable movies, it's time-wasting.

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last sunday, i was buying diaper on amazon.com,
and i found this great deal from it also.
it's 53% off so i got it for $150, free shipping, no tax.
after i placed the order, it sold out in 1 min.
cause this deal was on the front page of slickdeals.net
from now on, i'll save more times and energy to make any cakes or muffins.

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i fall in love with this baby cloths brand recently.
their baby girls clothes are soooooooo cute;
boys clothes are so gay, too cute for boys.
the quility is pretty good too.
but it's really expensive for me.
i bought some cute clothes and shoes during their semi-annual sale,
$1-5 per piece.

back then when i just have royce, we were so poor,
i only bought the cheap shit for him once in a while,
and most of his clothes were from other people.
now i buy royce's clothes at target, shoes at old navy or gap
when they have clearance, they're cheap, practical and washable.

girls clothes are so different, you can find any cutest thing from head to toes,
a live baby doll is coming, i am going to dress her up the way i want, hahaha~

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we got a 2001 LX470 for our growing family.
thank god we got a great deal on it,
cause the seller need to move out of states asap.
from now on, i have to cook at home for at least 6 months straight...
what a big trade-off~

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i got this pan at ross for $15.
very nice pan, 18/10 stainless.
heat up in very short time and evenly.
i don't think i need the griddler anymore.

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christmas is coming, i try to buy gifts for everybody in the family. thank god all the females in the family have a gift list. picking gifts for people is a really really hard job, it can give me a huge headache. but i don't know what to get for all the males in the family. and my father in-law & brother in-law are 2 birthday boys on christmas eve. that's the hardest part. this is whati want for christmas. Cuisinart Chef's Classic Stainless Steel 7-Piece Cookware Set

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  • Nov 09 Fri 2007 07:34
  • target

i like shopping at target a lot.
especially, when they have 75-90% off.
i bought 2 big vine pumpkins with light bulbs.($20,$3 each) and a pretty orange berry wreath($20,$5) for next halloween.
too bad i couldn't find any cool costume for royce.
oh, and a spider candy bag($3,$0.30).

hope i can get some crazy deal for next christmas too.

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based on what's the best deal, i got my list: 
fancl cleasing oil ***120ml+20ml x2/ NT1000 at japan
toner-DHC 白金N次方恆采精華露 ***60ml/NT450 at japan
eye cream-clinique all about eye(30ml/$46) ***60ml/NT900 at 亞倫商行 
moiturizer-百優精純乳霜(50ml/$70) ***NT1450 at 亞倫商行  
sunblock-lancome SPF 50 Sunscreen(150ml/$32.5) at sephora
mascara-花漾美姬超激纖長防水睫毛膏 ***NT200x2 at japan

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my digital camera almost breaks like last one,
i can see the extra light on the pics recently.
i like fuji's camera a lot,
but i think need to change to another brand this time.

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i bought a bra for $24.99 plus $10 off coupon,
end up paying $15, almost 75% off,
what a wonderful day~

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