有些顏色還蠻嚇人的 像黑色(螃蟹內臟)和屎色(海膽)
日本的廁所超舒適 幾乎每個馬桶座都有heater還可以洗屁屁
坐在上面都不想下來了 如果在台灣可能全都被偷了 如果在美國可能全部被破壞
日本的燒肉超級好吃 雖然是從韓國傳入
裝潢美又乾淨氣氛超好又很隱私 日本人超客氣好像大家都欠你錢似的
這輩子還沒吃過這麼好吃的燒肉 台灣的都太薄了 美國根本吃不到
日本都車子超可愛 尤其是那些660cc的小車 全部瘦瘦高高的
很多種類是美國沒有的 honda fit在美國要3萬美金 在日本只要7000美金
還去超市看到有名的神戶牛排 1塊(5oz)要價100美金
神戶牛肉的瘦肉和肥分布的非常均勻 像把肥和瘦肉攪拌過似的
基於健康(膽固醇)及荷包的考量 我們並沒有嘗試
我們還去了秋葉原 實在是有夠大 種類有夠多
我們發現1台超棒的按摩椅panasonic real pro 才10萬台幣
從頭按到腳沒有1個地方被遺漏 還可以按手指哩
osim 和 sharp 根本完全比不上又貴的沒道理

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這幾天喀路邊攤喀到飽 非常的心滿意足
狂看電視 什麼康熙 麻辣 大學生 有的蠻好笑的
可能是太久沒看中文節目 覺得內容很鹹濕 很多別人的家務事
見到許多好朋友 超高興的
沒幾天就要回去了 我得好好享受這得來不易的假期

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we should spend more time with my parent's in-law during this labor day weekend before we go.
we went to stanta cruz instead, took royce to the beach, he loves it!!
the only bad thing was my camera ran out of battery in the end of the day...

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based on what's the best deal, i got my list: 
fancl cleasing oil ***120ml+20ml x2/ NT1000 at japan
toner-DHC 白金N次方恆采精華露 ***60ml/NT450 at japan
eye cream-clinique all about eye(30ml/$46) ***60ml/NT900 at 亞倫商行 
moiturizer-百優精純乳霜(50ml/$70) ***NT1450 at 亞倫商行  
sunblock-lancome SPF 50 Sunscreen(150ml/$32.5) at sephora
mascara-花漾美姬超激纖長防水睫毛膏 ***NT200x2 at japan

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so many things need to be done before the trip.
house work, luggages, gifts, haircut, sprinkers,
loading pics on this blog, return some stuff,
shopping list...
keep thinking we might be burned in asia.
the weather is pretty cool here right now,
can't believe it's still 30.C in taiwan,

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we are going to taiwan on 9/9.
tickets are getting more expensive every year.
$600 in 2004, $715 in 2006, $840 this year...
sometimes i wonder, why i married a guy so far away?
now we need to pay to see my parents.

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finally, the sprinklers are done, i don't need to water the flowers myself.
the african lilys are dying, maybe the blooming season is over.
hydrangeas are growing big, the fertilizer is working.
so far most of my plants are acid-lover.
camellias too, i think i'll wait for the season is coming.

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we took royce to see this movie this monday.
it was really impressive, royce saw the most of of it.
but he still fell asleep.
today we saw a lot of transformers toys,
most of them are convertible with difficulty level.
the prime ones are $40-50
kb toys has buy 1 get 1 free now.
should i buy them?

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the climbing rose is dead.
so far my problem is drainage.
i don't know my soil is well-drained or not.
i need to add more flowers on the longest border.
camellia "nuccio's gem" is my frist choice now.
they are not cheap though.
should i wait until october or but it now?

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my digital camera almost breaks like last one,
i can see the extra light on the pics recently.
i like fuji's camera a lot,
but i think need to change to another brand this time.

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