最近過著不是人過的生活 超累 好像隨時有爆肝的可能 白天伺候大少爺 晚上伺候大小姐 真要命 一刻不得閒
連洗澡拉屎吃飯都沒時間 只有曙光乍現時 我才能好好洗個澡 現在聽到嬰兒哭聲 全身毛髮豎立 跟上戰場沒兩樣

全職媽媽真不是人幹的工作 那些就業媽媽至少有8個鐘頭不用看到孩子 所以見著他們覺得特別可愛 看見魔鬼面的機會降低30%

當我得一個人獨自照顧我自己的2個孩子時 真的覺得好苦啊 從前看到社會新聞裡拋兒棄女的狠心媽 或是餵食安眠藥的保母
都覺得不可思議 現在想想實在是情有可原 因為我也超想這麼做 尤其是老大搞破壞 老二哭到我耳鳴的時候

每次發發牢騷 老公就嫌我遜 都不用工作了還照顧不了2個稚兒 世界上又不是只有妳同時要照顧2個孩子 想想也是
每次看到公園裡1對3 1對4 1對5的媽媽就會告訴自己 我還不是最慘的 偏偏她們又看起來很...享受 我只能老實承認我不是當媽的料

天啊 他們什麼時候才會長大還我自由

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我在這裡   www.allrecipes.com 找到它
它評價很高 我已經做了很多次 吃過的人都說讚

*topping 用黑取代白糖

如題 這馬芬糕很難做失敗 隨便做都好吃
做法非常容易 只是藍梅很貴
我並不喜歡烘焙類的糕點 因為它們有豐富的膽固醇 非常不健康
rodney & royce 超愛 但為了他們的健康 一年做個2-3次就夠了

roycesmom 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

royce loves his baby sister at the beginning
right now he's not ok to share me with evelyn
when i see them on the bed
it feels very weird

roycesmom 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

還要到這8個人的Blog裡留言通知對方-- 你被點名了

from: hammer chui

A: no

A: i am away from my family and friends

A: my mom is here

A: compare to my husband, see who's better in real life

05.do you believe in god?
A: sometimes

A: being smart

A: secret

A: 50 blue

A: neutral

A: 被點名了

A: there will be blood

A: in a second

A: myself, i just gave a birth

A: all the time

A. being single, i need some freedom in life.

A: none

A: killing bugs in cruel way

A: bird, i can fly high

A: the first time i saw my husband, i want to make sure what happened.

20.如果你中了樂透 你第一個想告訴誰?
A: bank, i need an account.

被我點到名: Jasmine lin(midori), michelle lee, alice tzou, angelet chen, joyce chen, peppe824, ann(cousin in japan), Ian lui.

roycesmom 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

my due date is coming, it's 4/27.
i am really really scared, and i am super huge and fat now.
i hope i can have the baby after 4/20, cause i want a taurus baby.
actually i did a lot of things in april, watching NBA, taking royce to soccer camp,
searching new parks... just too lazy to post them.

when i just had royce, we took him almost everywhere we want to go.
hanging out with friends after midnight, traveling around, he was like a pet.
now everything is different, he's a little person, i need to sacrifice myself
following him around, do things he like and there is another one sticking with me 24/7...

i think having kids definitely totally ruins my life.
don't even mention the most painful bloody process in the world.
i don't know why some people think having kids is the most wonderful thing in life.
such a big lie.

i will still do my best to be a good mom even though kids drive me crazy.

roycesmom 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

x there will be blood
x sweeney todd
x american gangster
x no country for old man
the kite runner
la vie en rose
the other bolyn girl
i haven't finished all of them, so far
the best movie i saw is THERE WILL BE BLOOD

when i was in taipei, i was watching movies alone in the morning at ximen tin almost everyday.
most of them were from europe, those movies make me think a lot, they are more human than american movies.
after moving to states and having kids, i have less chance to watch european movies, although some will be released in states after 1.5-2 years.

a year ago, rodney got a good deal from blockbuster($18/ month, almost unlimited), so we watch all kinds of movies as many as we can. it's really great for me to watch movies like before again. but i have to watch with rodney, and we have totally different taste, this is one of the sacrifice for being married. but so far so good, we compromise for each other, sometimes we see "weed"(independent)movies, sometimes we see entertainment movies.

i don't like to criticize movies, i think they all have their own point.
to me, i hate predictable movies, it's time-wasting.

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我在這www.allrecipes.com發現這個食譜, 這是我吃過最好吃的起士蛋糕 上面的草莓topping是在別的網站上找到的. 我常做這個蛋糕送人當生日禮物 很多人不相信是我親手做的 吃完還問我是不是去cheesecake factory 偷買的 當我告訴他們還是低脂的哦 還沒人吃的出來呢 我稍微改了一下這份食譜 因為剛開始幾次都做失敗 不是裂開就是硬的像石頭一樣

以下的材料我通通減半 我還是用9"的 springform pan
15 graham crackers, crushed 
2 tablespoons butter, melted 4 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese 我偏好Kraft 1/3 less fat cream cheese (曾試過其他牌子的cream cheese牛騷味很重)
1 1/2 cups white sugar 
3/4 cup milk 
4 eggs 
1 cup sour cream 
1 tablespoon vanilla extract 
1/4 cup all-purpose flour 我用3 tablespoons

 -Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).我用325度並放一碗水在烤箱 烤的時候才不會裂開Grease a 9 inch springform pan.
 -In a medium bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs with melted butter. Press onto bottom of springform pan.
 -In a large bowl, mix cream cheese with sugar until smooth. Blend in milk, and then mix in the eggs one at a time, mixing just enough to incorporate.  Mix in sour cream, vanilla and flour until smooth.如果用手的話 讓全部的材料退到室溫比較好攪拌均勻 Pour filling into prepared crust.
 -Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour. Turn the oven off, and let cake cool in oven with the door closed for 5 to 6 hours; this prevents cracking. 我只悶1個鐘頭就節結束了 我第一次悶5-6個鐘頭 結果太硬了Chill in refrigerator until serving.我在冰箱放一晚

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last sunday, i was buying diaper on amazon.com,
and i found this great deal from it also.
it's 53% off so i got it for $150, free shipping, no tax.
after i placed the order, it sold out in 1 min.
cause this deal was on the front page of slickdeals.net
from now on, i'll save more times and energy to make any cakes or muffins.

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finally we plant all the roses in the backyard.
there is a very shady area behind the garage.
i plant 2 fruit trees over there, but they look really unhealthy or dead.
so i try to find the replacement for this shade part.
"astilbe", it's like feather, colored grass.
but i don't know which color will match my garden,
carol pink or lavender?

good news: my hydrangeas and boxwoods are alive!!

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i am having a girl now, it's totally different than last time. i can only eat a little bit, can't sleep well. and i am so huge now... compare to last time. i wonder if i still can fit in my old clothes, sad.

chinese people said if you are having a babygirl, you'll look more beautiful. it's so wrong, i have panda eyes, and i look like a ghost. but a lot of people said my belly is small, they couldn't tell i am in 3rd trimester already.

some people asked me, " how can you move so fast in 3rd trimester?" i said, "cause royce is my 24/7 personal trainer." it's really painful to take care of a super active naughty 28 months old boy and having a baby girl at the same time. i just want her to come out healthy asap!!!

royce like pushing or hitting other kid around him, just like his dad. i am afraid he might be kicked out of his preschool. and i told rod if the second baby is active and naughty as royce, i might kill myself right away, be prepared!!!

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